Thursday, April 9, 2015

In order to fund a upcoming art residency, I'm holding on "Fundraising Art Night" on April 24th.
Be pending for location.
e-mail me for an official invitation.
Here I will put several of my art work for sale on a discounted price.

It will be a win win situation, you get an art at discount, I get funds to realize a project. 
I'm not asking for donation (but are welcome).
All I say is invest in my art and as I'm getting more international recognition,
 the value of my work will increase.

This painting "shell life" is priced at US$ 1380,00 
but that night all I ask is US$ 1100,00 (That is a 20% discount).
Same rule for all painting of that size, (100 cm x 80 cm)

I wil have some drawings and lino-cut print starting around US$ 60,00.